Technical Skills

Professional Skills



Project Management


About Myself

Hi, I'm Okky, 26 years old. I'm Software Engineer from Bandung with experience more than 5 years in IT as a Software Engineer. Interest in the world of web development including system distribution, AI, software architects, and microservices. I'm passionate in IT, Car enthusiast and Anime lover.


Work Experience

  • Senior Software Engineer - Warung Pintar
    • Building several services such as : oauth, otp, partner-service, wallet
    • Tech Stack : Golang, MySQL, Docker, GCP, Redis, Nats, GRPC, GraphQL
  • Senior Software Engineer -
    • Building smart apps API called BIG Agent
    • Tech Stack : Golang, MySQL, Docker, AWS, Redis

  • Software Engineer -
    • Building Website and API for Property Startup
    • Tech Stack : Golang, PHP, MySQL, Docker, AWS, Elasticsearch, Redis, RabbitMQ

  • Software Engineer -
    • Building Website and API for HR Consultant
    • Tech Stack : Golang, PHP, MySQL, Docker, AWS

  • Web Developer -
    • Tech Stack : NodeJS, PHP, AngularJS, MySQL, Docker, AWS

  • Web Developer -
    • Tech Stack : NodeJS, PHP, AngularJS, MySQL, Docker, AWS

  • Java Developer - Telkomsigma
    • Building Core Banking
    • Tech Stack : Java, MySQL, Postgre


These are all testimonials from various circles to me.

Latest Posts from Blog

Is my article about the world of IT, tutorials and other trick tips about coding

Golang : Basic Middleware in Golang

Middleware is the layer in between routers and controllers. In web programming especially in backend programming, middleware will use for some action before accessing the controllers.

Golang : Implementation RabbitMQ

Message Broker sudah tidak asing lagi di dalam pengembangan suatu sistem yang menerapkan microservices sebagai architecture utamanya, karena microservices bisa terdiri dari beberapa service maupun database, maka dari itu dibutuhkan....